Today was a fun day. I finally got everything out of all those boxes that had been sitting around for months. Starting with the momentum from the drill press build yesterday, I got up super early and cranked out a couple hours on the DRDT-2 and setting up the buffing wheel (which will actually be setup as a grinding wheel).
Starting with the DRDT-2, I had to unpack the amazing pack job my wife Jess had done when she so graciously transported that behemoth from Seattle. (Thanks to @gigair at VAF who sold me the unit for $250!)
For my grinder, I went with a buffing wheel. I read about this in the forums and I liked the theory. Because there are no guards, there wheels standoff the main body further, which makes for easier grinding.
for all the parts that are coming, I wanted a place to organize it easily. To achieve this, I purchased a Husky 77″ rack. It is heavy duty, and should have a lot of space for organizing parts. Giacomo was the primary builder on this rack. It was fun to watch him figure it out.
Oh…and what good would a big rack be, if it wasn’t filled with snacks! Hoping this will entice the boys to join more often.

Last project of the day was building the WEN 10″ bandsaw. I had a hard time getting the blade tensioned and aligned properly. When testing, it kept on jumping off the wheel. I finally figured out how to fix it (tldr; I had to adjust the vertical tilt of the upper band wheel), and my tests were successful.
So what is left to do? Well there are a lot of miscellaneous projects that remain but the big major project left is plumbing an air system through the workshop. To be honest I’ve been researching for quite some time, and it is overwhelming all the options. Hoping to get going on that project sometime this week so I need to pull the trigger on ordering the parts early in the week.