Fuel and Brake Systems

Build Crew:



Before I can close up the top of the fuselage, there are a few systems that need to be completed. So far I’ve done the control system to the elevator. Now it’s time to get the fuel and brake systems in. I’m not the greatest pipe bender so I asked James to help me get this done. Not too many gotchas here except to remember you only have so much pipe stock. We used thick gauge wire to mock up the bends before actually fabricating the final versions. Oh… and don’t forget to put on all the AN fittings BEFORE you flare the ends. Ask me how I know…;).


Sam also started on his side project of getting the rear rudder pedals install. There will be quite a few times where there aren’t two person jobs and we still want to build together, so this will be a good ongoing project for him to drive whenver there is parallel work to be had.


The rest of the blog is a photo album of all the work that went into these sessions. I’ll try to give any sort of interesting detail in the descriptions of the photos.

We still need to get the right side brake line in, but that’ll be for another day. With a new job starting tomorrow it will be a while until I can get back to the plane… but I’m happy with the progress I’ve made in the past month. Until we get back to it…. Happy Building!!

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